Blueberry Coconut Parfait
Hey! I made these little gems for #mealprep and it WAS amazing. So, let me share this recipe with you asap. You can make it with me. Because you know, I love a good recipe for meal prep.

Blueberry Coconut Parfait
Fage 2% yogurt, or Greek unsweetened yogurt
Unsweetened coconut flakes
Bob’s Red Mill Coconut Spice GF Granola
Raw honey
Fresh blueberries
I just used 8 oz. or 16 oz. plastic containers. Whatever you have handy. I layered the yogurt, coconut, granola, raw honey and fresh berries on top. Think of the combinations! Raspberry/coconut, strawberry/chocolate, you name it, I think its a great base for many many options.
Happy meal prepping. XO