Lemon Russian Cream Pie
Lemon Russian Cream Pie. The whole idea had me at Lemon. I will refer back to my first post on Russian Cream. I am obsessed with it. And I am thinking of so many ways to use it in my baking adventures.
And since I spend more time on the baking isle than anywhere else in the grocery store, I happened upon this. A great product by Private Selection, found at my local Smith’s Marketplace. It seems to be I am there at least 2 times a week. The cashiers know me by name. They are always asking me what project I am working on currently… my cart usually has lots of butter, powdered sugar, cake mixes and goodies. I do buy vegetables and other things too. That sounded like I don’t eat very healthy. (Too bad I am not being paid for this post…. it is my own free will and choice. I like to share the best products out there- so we can all have happy baking experiences.)
My grandma had a lemon tree outside her front door. And I have fond memories of walking up to her porch and smelling the fresh lemons. I miss California. I miss my grandma.
Back to the recipe. I made a Russian Cream Pie, using the same recipe as the first post, just put it into a baked and cooled pie crust. I refrigerated it until it was firm enough to place the lemon fruit filling.
Note: the Russian Cream recipe makes 2- 9″pies.
Spread a thick layer of the California Lemon fruit filling. Nice. It smells heavenly!
Whip 1 cup of heavy cream until stiff peaks appear. At this point I like to fold in about 1/4 cup powdered sugar (not too much) and add 1/2 tsp. of vanilla if you want. I don’t like to add vanilla. I am a whipping cream snob.
Another picture of our Cupcake- taking personal his baking lessons. Sorry little pup- this one is not for you.
Spread the heavy whipped cream on top of the lemon layer. Be generous. Now is not the time to be shy.
Here is the finished product! Fresh lemon zest is the key.
Hope you enjoy it. Happy Baking!
P.S. Private Selection also has Key Lime Pie and Strawberry Rhubarb filling too…… stay tuned for more Russian Cream inspiration!
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That I definitely need to try!!!!
O…M…G! I have got to try this. My mouth is watering and shorting out my keyboard. LOL …. ahem, excuse me! :0)
Seriously though. It looks delicious!
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