Zucchini Pasta w/ Fresh Marinara
This meal came together in 10 minutes or less. Wahoo!

Zucchini Pasta w/ Roasted Marinara (makes 4 hearty servings)
1 bag frozen zucchini spirals – 12 oz. bag
1 recipe Roasted Marinara
1 pkg. Caulipower pappardelle frozen noodles – 8.8 oz.
2 tbsp. butter
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. oregano
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 tbsp. Truffle Oil
Parmesan cheese & arugula for garnish

In a large skillet, saute the zucchini spirals in butter, adding the garlic and oregano. Don’t stir, just let it start to warm through and brown on one side. The water from the zucchini will evaporate as it cooks.
While the zucchini is cooking, boil the caulipower pasta according to pkg. directions. Remove the pasta drain and add to the zucchini noodles.
Heat the marinara with the cream, and then add to the noodles, and zucchini gently stirring to combine. Add 1 tbsp. truffle oil if desired- and garnish with Parmesan cheese and arugula. Dinner is served. xo